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Before the Blast: What You Need to Know About Including Fireworks in Your Event

Before the Blast: What You Need to Know About Including Fireworks in Your Event

Rob Eves |

As an events enthusiast, you must know the value of entertaining your attendees. Whether with live music, a stand-up comedian, dedicated gaming booths, or a fireworks display, there are dozens of methods of keeping your guests amused. 

Suppose you’ve settled on stunning pyro flares and a party pack of fireworks. There is no denying their jaw-dropping effects—but you’ll have to remember they’re still a type of explosive. If you’re planning to incorporate fireworks into your outdoor event, consider the following guidelines. 

Craft Your Event Management Plan

If your heart is set on a breathtaking exhibition, first sift through your venue’s fireworks policy. Are they banned? Are they highly restrictive? If fireworks are a must for your event, consider selecting a venue that is lenient with their regulations instead of trying to negotiate with one that isn’t. 

If the venue permits the use of fireworks, consider: 

  • Who is most equipped to facilitate their deployment
  • What types of fireworks you intend to use
  • What time you’re planning to host your exhibition
  • Whether the use of fireworks will rake up any additional fees

Specialist Vs. DIY Show

Fireworks are lumped into four categories based on firepower. Naturally, Category 1 fireworks are user-friendly and available to the general public. On the other end of the spectrum, Category 4 fireworks are limited only for purchase by professionals and those with a license. 

If you’re working within a budget, consider purchasing Category 1 fireworks that you can quickly light without a professional eye. However, if you’re aiming to pepper your event with a little bit of a wow-factor, think about enlisting the help of a fireworks specialist. 

Remember, a specialist isn’t there to up the ante of your display—they also facilitate a more seamless and safer show. 

What About Weather Conditions?

Though a gentle drizzle isn’t going to impact your fireworks display, strong winds and heavy rain may compromise guest safety. As a rule of thumb, consult weather predictions before you send out your save the dates. 

Consider whether you can line up your audience to view the display from indoors or through a tent. If worse comes to worst, come up with a back-up plan in the event of a cancellation. 

Let Your Guests Know

An explosive surprise makes for an excellent shock factor—but loud fireworks may not sit well with older attendees or those who find flashing displays troublesome. As much as a sudden burst of colour can breathe life into your event, you want to ensure that your guests are prepared to deal with the noise. 

Allow attendees ample opportunity to head inside if they aren’t keen on explosives. Plus, you never know who may be suffering from sensory issues. 


While a fireworks display is an excellent way to add sparkle to your casual or corporate event, you won’t want to skimp on any preparations. A successful event is one you’re well-prepared for, whether you’re incorporating fireworks or not. 

Facilitate your pyrotechnics show with next-day fireworks from Let’s Party Fireworks! From cakes and barrages to flares and strobes, we’re full-up on products that can complement your event—and impress attendees.