How to Keep Your Child Safe Around Fireworks: Our Guide

Watching fireworks is the perfect family bonding experience and a magical way to end a night. If you have small children, however, it’s crucial to take some extra precautions to avoid any harm from coming to your loved ones. But what exactly should you be mindful of when it comes to bringing your little one to watch a firework show? 

This article will discuss four crucial tips that will help you, as a responsible parent, look after your child’s welfare looking at fireworks as a family. Take this as an opportunity to ensure that everyone can enjoy their time together and stay safe! 

Wear the appropriate outdoor clothes and pack the essential

Watching fireworks and sparklers is an outdoor activity, meaning you and your family will need to be ready to spend some time outside. Wear the appropriate clothing to ensure that you stay comfortable over long periods of time. If it’s chilly, be sure to bring a warm hat along and even a blanket. 

If the show will be long, remember that you may also get fatigued and your child may grow grumpy. As such, bring chairs, water, and other essential items to ensure that all your family can watch the spectacular fireworks display without any issues. That way, you can bond and maximise your time together! 

Request your child to be on their best behaviour 

You cannot have a screaming, hyper child running around as you view the fireworks. It's disrespectful to the people around you and the rest of your family, not to mention dangerous! You should set ground rules, like “stay close to mom” or “no shouting”. 

If you notice your child being on their best behaviour, especially during the fireworks show, reward them with a prize! That way, your child can be encouraged to behave and be well-mannered during other important family occasions. 

Ask your family to view the fireworks from a safe distance 

Lighting pyro flares and watching from a safe distance is non-negotiable, especially when watching fireworks with your child. You also don’t want to expose anyone to any danger, like fires and harmful smoke. As such, read the fireworks instructions and plan your event. Think about precautionary measures to ensure that your family has a safe, exciting time! 

Warn your child about noise and flashing lights

Your and the rest of the family may enjoy bright, loud fireworks, but you need to be mindful of your child. They may have adverse reactions to the noise and flashing lights, resulting in your child to put a tantrum. That’s why you should orient everyone in your family about fireworks. You can also watch Youtube videos together, such as holiday firework display footage during the holidays, to prepare everyone for firework viewing. 

You also have to be ready for your child to be scared, especially if it’s their first time. If you see your child crying while you watch the fireworks show, gauge their emotions because they may also just be getting used to the new experience. 

If you feel that they really can’t handle all the overwhelming fireworks, take them indoors and comfort them. Remind your child that there are other holidays to look forward to and there’s always next year!


Your family has the best opportunity to bond when you view fireworks together. Fortunately, you now have a better understanding of how to handle your child. Remember all the formerly mentioned tips and plan your next fireworks experience today! 

Are you looking for the best fireworks the UK has to offer? We at Let’s Party Fireworks have got you covered! We can provide you with a full range of options made for any special occasion. We can also bring it right to your doorstep! Stock up on fireworks with us today!